Wrapping anniversary presents while waiting for someone to get back to me about a shoot location. It's our seventh anniversary on 25th January and as Liam isn't here atm I can wrap stuff in the living room without him seeing what he's getting, hee hee ^^
With the theme of love in mind, I thought I'd post my favourite bridal and couple's portraiture images from my portfolio :)
First up, some photos of me and Liam from a couple's portraiture workshop we modelled for in London nearly a year ago:
© Jerry Ghionis
© Eye Jogia Photography
© Eye Jogia Photography
© Dan Thubron
And now for some bridal shots of me alone...
Dress by Mary McGuinness, hair and makeup by Victoria Mureuva
© Seamus Costelloe
Dress by Peccatus Latex Couture
© Sean McCormack
Hair by Faye Yerbury
© Doug Gordon
Skirt and corset by Angelic Weapons @ Nikita Sablier
© Geetee Photography
And in the "miscellaneous" section...
Fashion shot of Seef and me modelling for Raven SDL
© Adam Robertson Photography
Me modelling with, er, me.
Not strictly a couple's shot, but don't we just look like the sort of incestuous vampire family that would all have sex with each other??
Clockwise from top left: Liam, Alec Cameron, me and Madame Bink
© Jerry Ghionis
Now back to wrapping and watching my inbox for a reply regarding using a local cafe/ shop as a shoot location. I emailed them quite late last night so they might not have read it yet. I don't know whether it's more polite to wait for a reply or more proactive to just go down there right now, even though if they haven't read the email I will be just some random crazy stranger coming in off the street. Hmmm!