If you haven't seen the NEW Underwater Gallery over at anitadebauch.com yet, here are the photos!
Earlier this month, I did my very first underwater photo shoot with photographer Vanessa Mills and veteran underwater model and good friend Ivory Flame (Holly), who coached me throughout and helped me achieve some great images, both with her and by myself! Underwater modelling is so addictive- maybe it's the intense physical challenge coupled with the gift of being able float like a fairy and pull poses that would be impossible on dry land- that I am already planning my next underwater project with Vanessa for October!
L-R: me and Holly adorned in gold jewellery. I imagine this as some sort of beautiful Sky Sylph floating down to visit her deep dark Water Sprite sister in the depths of her kingdom!
Starting small with a simple pose and practising exhaling in order to drop through the water instead of bobbing around the top like a cork!
I love the dramatic lighting in this one... it looks like we're floating up to Heaven :)
Racing towards the other me on the surface... there is such a sense of freedom in being underwater :)
L-R: me and Holly. I love that the white fabric has drifted into the shape of wings. It's like I've fallen in love with an angel and am trying to be taken with her.
I love the dramatic lighting in this one... it looks like we're floating up to Heaven :)

Racing towards the other me on the surface... there is such a sense of freedom in being underwater :)
L-R: me and Holly. I love that the white fabric has drifted into the shape of wings. It's like I've fallen in love with an angel and am trying to be taken with her.
It was very interesting for me to see the results of the shoot and notice that even underwater, Holly and I have our own distinctive "default" approaches to art nudes. Hers tend to be more classical, ethereal and soft; mine tend to be more hard, abstract, generally a mass of shadowy ribs and joints bent at right angles with a nipple here and there. Obviously we can each do the other style as well, but it's maybe an interesting reflection of our personalities, which style we instantly slip into :)
Having said that, I was pleasantly surprised at how similar our figures look in the photos- it's like we instinctively knew when to be different and when to gel. This was our first time shooting together, but I hope we get to do it again one day, perhaps even on land!
