This morning I got a call for a latex fashion shoot for one of the oldest and most prestigious labels in the country, Ectomorph, who first opened their doors in 1985- before I was even born! Considering how quickly designers come and go these days, it is a real honour and a privilege to shoot for such a trusted, well-established name in the world of latex couture! I last shot for their catalogue in May last year:
You can still actually see that very shot showcased on the Ectomorph homepage, alongside another of their models and one of my friends, cult movie scream queen Eileen Daly, of Razor Blade Smile fame! Funnily enough, she has also modelled for another of my latex clients, Peccatus Couture. It certainly is a small world!
The shoot tomorrow should really be something special- I've seen snapshots of the outfits, and the photographer is second to none, so I KNOW it will be good and that you'll like the pictures! I'll be blogging them here first, of course, so be and sure and subscribe NOW (top right corner of the screen) while you're thinking of it!
In the theme of latex fashion, I will decorate this blog with a photo from my recent Irish Tour, taken by one of Ireland's very top photographers and all-round gentleman, Seamus Costelloe.
Latex bra by Jane Doe | Latex braces by Lady Lucie | Styling: me
I like mixing latex with other fabrics, both in photos and real life. I know it is considered a bit of a "fetish no-no", but really, if you like latex, and you also like leather, vinyl, nylon, silk, satin or mesh, why wouldn't you mix them together? It's like wearing incredibly sexy, daring lingerie, and then putting a suit on over the top so that you can still swan to the shops or to the office or to meet your friends for coffee or cocktails, without having a line of guys following you around all over town! I think it's what they call having the best of both worlds!
If you like nylon stockings, or latex, as much as I do, then >click here< to browse my Shop, full of pieces I handpicked for you. I think you'll like them.
If you like nylon stockings, or latex, as much as I do, then >click here< to browse my Shop, full of pieces I handpicked for you. I think you'll like them.
I have lots more to tell you but I don't want this blog to run on too long, and I have to pack for tomorrow, so bye for now!
Anita xo
