Anyone else NOT have any plans for Halloween? I'm shooting in the morning and seeing Suspiria at The Phoenix (oldest cinema in the UK) in the evening, but that's it. I've not seen it before but I think it's about a ballet school run by witches. Talk about two occupations that most little girls dream of in one film! Will be cool to watch it in a spooky old 1930s cinema with a glass of red wine :)
I had a party at my place last year, which was really fun as none of my friends actually live in London so getting more than one of them in the same room at the same time is unusual! Almost all of my close friends are models and photographers who I've met through work so most live the same unpredictable-yet-tightly-scheduled, all-over-the-world anti-social hours sort of existence that I do. This year I just sort of didn't get around to arranging anything. I suppose I was too busy getting modelling jobs and probably looking at the baby bats on Cute Overload :p
One of these jobs that I've arranged will be a second shoot for Latex Heaven next month. Here are some pics from our last shoot- all latex by Pandora Deluxe:
I'll see if I can find something special to blog on Halloween for everyone else who's staying in! (Hint: subscribe to my blog at the top right corner of the page so I can see you back here in a couple of days!)
Lots of love,
Anita xxxxx
