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Wednesday 8 February 2012

Winter Warmers!

The snow has melted as fast as it appeared in London, making me really glad I quickly ran out and took some pictures on Sunday :) The air outside is less bitter and I hope this photo from The Boudoir Academy @ the SWPP Convention last month will also help to raise a few temperatures ;)

Photographer: Trevor Yerbury | Hair and wardrobe stylist: Faye Yerbury | Makeup: me

After returning home from my visit to Highgate Cemetery on Sunday, I put up new deep blue curtains in my living room and champagne velvet curtains in my bedroom. As you do, you know, on the spur of the moment, when you're high on post-tramping-around-in-the-snow endorphins. And after warming up with a cup of tea, of course.

I like vintage china with birds on it <3 This set was made sometime ~1910

I also added some cute, retro espresso cups and saucers to my eBay auctions. It's all got to go! And I finally got round to doing the mending that I've been avoiding for 9 months o_O I'd forgotten I even had a particularly beautiful Victorian mourning blouse with black lace panels and a high, buttoned neck. I can't wait to find time to wear it again! Perhaps for a proper Victorian Gothic beauty shoot with full period hair and makeup *nods*