New photo in my Lady Lucie Latex leggings from my tour round England last week, shot by StuartGL.
I'm just getting over a killer cold that's had me in its jaws for 10 days and counting- including when this picture was taken- hence suddenly having time to catch up on all my favourite horror films over on Facebook when I got home ('tis the season). However, after sleeping a beautiful total of 15 hours last night, I am starting to feel better today, and no longer sound like Marianne Faithful :)
I also found time to read a couple of the pulpy paperbacks I found on the £1 shelf in one of my local occult bookstores ages ago (there are quite a few round here). I can recommend either if you are ill/ bored and need some easy reading. The Devil Hunter in particular is kind of written like Enid Blyton for grown-ups.

To do tomorrow:
- Call various tradespeople to lay floors, strip paint (I am so done with stripping paint myself, it is the worst job), replace lighting fixtures and open up fireplaces
- Order a cooker and some bathroom cupboards
- Finish off last bit of painting in kitchen and powder room, now that I have a stepladder and can reach it
- Figure out where I'm working next month. Suggestions gratefully received ;)
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