Styling and, erm, location provided by yours truly :) | Dress from Buffies
Seeing Streetcar on the big screen yesterday was amazing. I studied the play at A Level and have always liked the film, but seeing it yesterday I felt like I really "got" it and understood the character of Blanche DuBois for the first time. It may seem ridiculous for a financially independent and happily coupled 25 year old English girl to say she relates to a fictional, fading, utterly dependent (famously on "the kindness of strangers") Southern belle, but I did. I was so moved that instead of being sociable when the film was over, I ran straight home to watch it alone in my living room all over again, with the lights out, a big bottle of Absolut and lots of ice. Don't feel sorry for me; I was enjoying indulging myself, in a maudlin sort of way. In fact, it was a nice surprise to be affected so much by a film I'd already seen multiple times.
On an unrelated note, how cool is the "Glimmer" Absolut bottle?? When it's empty, I'm going to keep it and make it my new vodka decanter. I love that diamond "cut glass" pattern on almost anything!
I have another £60 Apartment Shoot tomorrow- they're turning out to be really popular!- so after I've blogged this I'll be giving my place the once-over, then soaking in a hot tub with a face pack and a good book for, oh, a couple of hours :)