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Friday 4 January 2013

I am not a photograph feat. Kaori's Latex Dreams

I am just sooo busy atm with work, it's crazy!

I have about two months' worth of photos to post, since I was too busy to deal with them before Asia and unable to post them while in Asia (my iPad doesn't like writing blogs and I didn't take my laptop with me), then when I got back, I was instantly snowed under with shooting with the British and European clients who were unable to book me or meet me at castings for five weeks while I was away.

I've been to Singapore, Hong Kong, Hamburg, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and all over London and the southeast, of course, as well as Somerset and Calais for Christmas with my mum and Christmas with my dad, respectively! So, sorry that I've not been updating very regularly, but please remember that I'm more than a photograph, I'm a real person with one of those "life" things ;)

Liam and I had our own Christmas yesterday, would you believe it, because it was the first time we'd been home together at the same time and able to do it! Yes, on 3rd January we switched on the fairy lights, had a delicious roast turkey dinner with colcannon and mulled wine and opened presents under a decorated tree while watching Gremlins! We even pulled some Christmas crackers so we could wear the paper hats ^_^

Here are some photos from my Kaori's Latex Dreams shoot with Julian Kilsby, just before I left for Singapore in early November. I absolutely love working with Julian- he is a latex photographing genius! I did the hair and makeup myself. It was my first attempt at victory rolls, with my Style Me Vintage: Hair book propped open in front of me in the dressing room. It didn't necessarily look authentically 1940s, but I quite liked the overall look nonetheless ;)

I will post the pictures for the other outfits we shot over the next week, so subscribe to my blog if you haven't already! Then I will start working on the photo backlog (I also have to do my tax return tomorrow, groo).

I am writing this on my shiny new MacBook Pro (new to me, anyway!), courtesy of Dan Hubbert, who is renting our spare room for the rare occassions he visits London from Stockholm. I just have to shoot with him when we're both in the same country at the same time. More photographers should offer items like this to models in exchange for shoots, I think- we all want/ need things like laptops, tablets, iPods, Kindles etc etc for work and travel and it seems smart and ecologically sound.

I'm still getting the hang of using it- I've always had PCs, up until now- but I'm sure once I'm used to it I will be able to do more with it than I could my little old Dell! I still need to work out how to get an image's URL though, and how to do what I used to call "right-click-nicking" images from the web, i.e. saving them to my computer, as well as creating folders for all my documents and so on. I'm sure I'll get there! :)

Most importantly, I have already ordered a pink keyboard cover- just need to find a baby pink shell to fit a 17" screen so that my MacBook will match my iPad and Kindle :D