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Thursday 15 September 2011

good morning

I just sent the photos from my shoot with my good friend Adam Robertson off to my agencies (still feels weird talking about "my agencies"!) and now I want to share them with you :) I was especially pleased to do this particular shoot with Adam as I know he normally shoots almost only with models from the really top agencies, Storm etc, so it was very flattering that he acceded to my demands ;p

 New tee-shirt, a surprise gift from Liam <3

It seems a bit crap to give myself a hair and makeup credit seeing as I really just powdered my nose, put some Vaseline on my lips and ran my fingers through my hair, but I will anyway, because hell, it's my blog ;) Hair and makeup: Anita De Bauch ;)

It's really interesting to flex my "commercial modelling" muscles a bit as I'm usually mostly booked for either alternative/ latex fashion, boudoir or art nude, as that's where most of my experience lies. It's really nice that some agency people saw through my portfolio as it was and thought I could do mainstream/ commercial/ "normal" work, too. I felt surprisingly naked, losing the makeup and heavy styling of alt. fashion and the strange anonymity of art nude by doing this sort of work, at first, but I'm starting to get used to it now and even enjoy doing something that is, for me, a little bit different and a new challenge :D