I've been following the latest updates on the Norway massacre and the more I read, the more exhausted I feel. It's simply incomprehensible to me that anyone could think that rounding up and shooting innocent children would be a way to convince Europe that you're in the right and multiculturalism is a bad thing. It serves as an agonising reminder that it is simply not possible to separate far right politics from violence.And of course, the other major story in the news this week is that Amy Winehouse died, aged 27- presumably of a heart attack or other drug abuse-related death, although the coroner's report hasn't been released yet. I do feel sorry for her, and it will be strange not to see her out in Camden anymore, but this article did make me smirk a bit, after Hackgate and all ;)
In less depressing news, I have my first casting courtesy of my agency tomorrow that I'm actually available to go to :) It's a commercial casting for a TV commercial via a commercial agency. Commercial commercial commercial. Scary!