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Saturday, 22 January 2011

"How It Was Done" in nighttime Soho!

This blog will probably be more interesting to photographers than anyone else- specifically photographers who like the first pro photo I've seen of my new haircut, that I tweeted earlier today :)

Somewhat larger and better version here :)

This photo was taken by Jonathan Ryan, one of the most creative and talented wedding photographers working in the South of England, and he was kind enough to explain how he took it on Flickr. Here's my paraphrased version with my own added input in case anyone else likes this effect and fancies giving it a whirl!

*  Step 1: Take one Mahogany Hair model with own leather jacket. I believe this one is about £75 from Bon Prix, although I got mine on eBay for £14 ;p
*  Step 2: Add one MAC makeup artist (in this case, James McGulgan), arranged and paid by the model
*  Step 3: Hit the dirty-sexy streets of Soho at dusk with said model and two assistants and find a suitably grungy garage/ warehouse door in a backstreet with one of those vile orange sodium lights over it to create that nice shine on her (dark) hair :)
*  Step 4: Then add:
"SB800 in small Lastolite softbox on camera right with CTO gel held by Davide [Assistant 1]
SB800 with small grid on camera left with CTO held by Picsfor [Assistant 2]
... Whibal set to a guestimated 3,800 in camera (because it looked cool) and warmed up a couple of hundred kelvin in post (because it was slightly too cool on a proper screen).
f/2.8, 1/10s hand held"
*  Step 5: Say to the model, "Oi. You. Do some posing" and watch her go! (Jonathan didn't actually say anything like this, he's much too nice and polite. But he could have done. Lol)

Job done!

I am a regular Mahogany Hair model and MAC addict, have an ever-increasing designer street fashion collection and live a 40 minute tube ride from Soho, so this shoot was kind of made for me ;)